01The river hollows its bank .
02the stars twinkle, like a pearl.
03the stars twinkle, like white gem.
04What they think isn’t important。
05he walked stumble along, like drunk.
06the stars twinkle, like a swan wings.
07the stars twinkle, like crystal chess.
09What do you think of people who do this?
10the stars twinkle, like a water bright eyes
11the stars twinkle, like a dazzling diamond.
13the stars twinkle, like a jewel like crystal.
14the stars twinkling, like diamonds sparkling.
15my life is very simple, enough food and drink.
16he cheered up like a naughty monkey, jump stop.
18the stars twinkle, like green jade plate in silver.
20His cheeks were sunken and his cheek-bones prominent .
21the stars twinkle, like a beacon lights up in the sky.
2208、Give up worrying about what others think of you。
23peach blossom, pink color as the little girl shy red face.
24Thank you for your life and experience. Please keep smiling.
25think of each other a hand, it will be a pre emptive strike.